About Us
CrowdThnk Company Overview
CrowdThnk quantifies market-moving financial market positioning to provide clients with intelligent insights and actionable analytics. Realizing that market positioning metrics for financial securities are abstract and difficult to define with research analysts still subjectively analyzing disparate positioning reports, the CrowdThnk founders developed an algorithm quantifying market positioning in an unbiased manner, using Crowdsourcing, Big Data and Machine Learning techniques, aggregating both Public and Non-Public data. CrowdThnk data is also used by portfolio managers and traders to better understand market positioning to be incorporated into proprietary strategies. Over the past several years, CrowdThnk has achieved a strong accuracy for correctly signalling the direction of stocks on High Conviction Signals. A distinguishing feature of CrowdThnk is that it is able to quantify once-abstract and obscure positioning data with accuracy. CrowdThnk is becoming the industry standard for delivering accurate reports on stock market positioning.
CrowdThnk is a US-based quantitative analytics data firm founded in 2017 by former Wall Street Hedge Fund Managers teaming up with Big Data Quantitative Scientists. The individual domains of expertise in these complementary fields provide a unique insight into the market mechanics and practical applications in solving complex and important themes in markets. The Founders have extensive experience in the Hedge Fund and Big Data Industries, creating successful alpha-generating strategies using predictive analytics.
Founding Members

Hans Kullberg, Co-Founder & CEO
Before co-founding CrowdThnk with Qiwei, Hans had been a serial entrepreneur with over 10 years of building businesses and investing experience. With a background in Economics, Hans built and developed EconoCast, a highly accurate economic forecasting company utilizing cutting-edge econometrics and big data techniques, later successfully acquired. He has held various investment roles at large global macro hedge funds, including Managing Director and Portfolio Manager at Graticule Asset Management and Fortress Investment Group. Hans graduated with Honors in Economics from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

Qiwei Shi, PhD, CFA, Co-Founder & CTO
Before co-founding CrowdThnk with Hans, Qiwei had been a Quantitative Macro Strategist at both Graticule Asset Management and Fortress Investment Group, where he was responsible for developing and implementing systematic macro trading strategies. Qiwei received a PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics from the University of Pennsylvania and a Bachelor degree in Engineering from Fudan University in China. His research expertise encompassed advanced mathematical modeling, Big Data technology and machine learning algorithms.